It is that time of the year again! As summer approaches, we want to kick off our 4th annual Fuel the Mission Campaign. Last year we exceeded our goal of $35,000 dollars by over $2000. Can you help us hit our goal of $35,000 for 2024?
Our 4th Annual Fuel the Mission Drive kicks off now and runs through July 2024. We are in desperate need to have our vehicles fueled and ready to serve headed into the busiest time of the year.
We have calculated that it will take $35,000 to fuel our trucks for the next year. We have to fuel the box trucks that drive around the greater Kanawha Valley picking up food donations. We have to fuel the vans that transport our clients to and from critical appointments and activities. We have to fuel our maintenance and fleet vehicles that allow the day to day operations of the mission to function. We also have our Emergency Response Team which requires two pickup trucks to remain fueled and ready when they are needed.
Contributions can be made online by clicking the button below or via mail. Just be sure to designate your mail in-gift as a fuel contribution. Will you help us raise the money to supply the fuel we need to keep Union Mission rolling? Please consider sharing this effort with others as well. We will be updating the progress throughout the summer.