Union Mission would not be able to impact so many lives for Christ if not for the selfless donation of time from our many volunteers. If you have not previously volunteered with Union Mission, we encourage you to fill out a short volunteer application and indicate the area in which you would like to work. We are regularly in need of volunteers in the following areas:

  • Office Work
    assisting with mailings, filings and answering phones
  • Thrift Store
    sorting, cleaning, and cashiering; also needed are able-bodied dock workers
  • Union Mission Men’s Shelter
    serving meals and conducting chapel services (e.g. special music)
  • Groundskeeping
    landscaping, painting, cleaning, and other projects
  • Trucking
    drivers willing to make short- to mid-range trips to pick up food for Union Mission Outreach (CDL required)
  • Seasonal Opportunities
    organizing Christmas Adopt-A-Family programs and helping distribute food for Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Drives

If you agree to abide by the volunteer guidelines, we rejoice in your willingness to give of yourself in this ministry.

If you would like more information about volunteering at the Union Mission, or would like to be scheduled to volunteer,  call us at (304) 925-0366.

Volunteer Application
Address: *
Are these Volunteer hours required for Community Service?
Area of volunteer interest (check all that apply):
Do you have any of the following skills?
How did you hear about Union Mission?
Volunteer Code of Conduct

  1. Sign In on Arrival/ Sign out on Departure.
    (Please write your full name and zip code each time you sign in and out)
  2. Wear Modest Clothing appropriate for your job and Closed Toe Shoes.
  3. Refrain from foul or inappropriate language.
  4. No Horseplay.
  5. Report to the Department Manager or the Person in Charge upon arrival.
  6. The use of alcohol or illegal drugs is forbidden on Union Mission property. Smoking is only allowed in designated areas.
  7. Thrift Store Volunteers
    Store hours: Monday- Friday 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday 8 am to 12 pm
    *Please bring your own lunch. Meals can no longer be provided.

Confidentiality Agreement

As a volunteer of Union Mission Ministries, Inc., I agree to help protect client confidentiality:

  1. Personal information regarding the client(s) is not to be shared with anyone including members of the volunteer’s family, church or workplace.
  2. Client information will not be discussed with staff or other volunteers over the phone, internet, in writing or in person. Any failure to respect confidentiality results in dismissal of volunteer service.
  3. Any information shared with a volunteer by a client is only to be discussed with the client or the director. If there is an immediate safety concern (i.e. suicidal thoughts) that is discussed, the volunteer should immediately alert the staff on duty.
  4. Any salvation decisions that are facilitated by a volunteer are to be shared with the staff as soon as possible.

Your signature below indicates that you fully understand and agree to comply with the
“Volunteer Code of Conduct” and “Confidentiality Agreement”.

Our volunteers have great stories of why they choose to help Union Mission. Here is one of them…