Have you ever considered volunteering at Union Mission but you just didn’t know what you could do or where you would be useful?
We get asked constantly by potential volunteers, “I am not sure what I could offer Union Mission, so where could I be helpful?”
There are literally hundreds of different ways to volunteer at Union Mission. Some include direct interaction with the hurting people that come through are doors, others include behind-the-scenes work that help keep Union Mission going.
In this Volunteer Spotlight video, we shine the spotlight on Betsy who wanted to do something different on her 60th birthday. She and others from her church decided to cook an incredible steak dinner for the homeless men and women at Crossroads. Her example of sacrifice and dedication to serving others is what makes Union Mission volunteers so incredible and allows the mission to reach hurting people throughout West Virginia.
How can you serve?
Want to know where to get started? Simply click the button below and fill out the basic contact info and one of our volunteer coordinators will work with you or your group to get you serving in the perfect place at the mission.