For years now, Spring Hill Baptist Church in South Charleston sets their Vacation Bible School focus on Union Mission. Regardless of their annual theme, raising money and collecting donations for food are a huge part of their activity for one week in the summer. In the past, they have collected hundreds of cans of food, raised thousands of dollars, collected backpacks and school supplies, and basic household needs for our residents in recovery. Whatever we ask them to do, they do it and each year we show up to pick up their gifts, we see just how much fun they have doing it!

This year was no different. Non-perishable food items are what we need the most at this time. The kids at Spring Hill Baptist VBS took that request to the next level. Within the 5 evenings that the VBS met, 93 kids collected over $1200 and 475 pounds of food!

Gearry Bailey, VP of Finance at Union Mission, arrived Friday night to receive the gifts not sure what to expect.

“The energy in the room was amazing!” Gearry explained.  “These kids were having a great time participating in all of the VBS functions. When they announced the totals of food and money raised for the week, the room exploded into cheers and applause. It was very humbling to see these kids be so excited to support us. It excites us to see the next generation of partners for Union Mission.”

“As always, we love to support Union Mission with your many programs and ministries.” says Theresa Whitener, VBS Director at Spring Hill Baptist. “I pray the food and money we collected will help to serve a hurting community and show God’s love. May God continue to bless your ministry!”

We cannot say thank you enough to all of the staff, volunteers, and kids that helped make this donation possible. We know VBS weeks are hectic and crazy for the adults but we also know they wouldn’t change a thing once they see the kids engaged in the events and activities.

Does your church partner with Union Mission during VBS week? Would you like to know how you can help us feed those in need? Simply call our office at 304.925.0366 and ask to speak with Katie, our special events coordinator, or Troy, our Director of Development, and they can provide details.