Recently, Union Mission discovered there are more and more people in rural settings around the Kanawha Valley that could use Union Mission’s services but do not have the ability to travel to Charleston to receive our help. One such story was a family in Paint Creek (video detailing that situation). With the help of some generous donors and volunteers, Union Mission launched the Bud Young emergency Response Team.
The purpose of this new ministry is to identify and assist families with the greatest need in rural communities in the counties surrounding the Kanawha Valley. With the help of community leaders, schools, and churches, we hope to find and help people struggling with basic needs.
Our ERT trucks are outfitted with shelf stable food, water, clothing, personal hygiene products, and cleaning supplies. If a family experiences a flood, fire, storm damage, or just has a situation where they cannot provide for themselves, we will intervene.
We decided to honor the late Emory “Bud” Young who passed away in January of 2021. Bud faithfully served Union Mission for 48 years both as aboard member and as a volunteer. He would make case calls to rural areas all around the state looking to help the most desperate of situations. We thought it only fitting to honor him with a ministry that will continue his work of reaching out to rural communities.
Below is a video detailing the announcement and unveiling of the Bud Young ERT.