Over the past several months the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us much about the fragility of our culture and economy. It also has taught us about the resiliency of our communities and the importance of friendship. At Union Mission, the start of the quarantine revealed an immediate need for food to be delivered to people experiencing economic hardship and those who are high risk and unable to safely travel to the stores.
“We had needs immediately revealed to us within the first week of the pandemic. Fortunately, our donors saw the same need and responded too with financial support,” says Jason Quintrell, President and CEO of Union Mission. “We first reached out to Brooks Manor in Charleston to see if their residents had food needs”
Tony Mallo, property manager for Brooks Manor, was very appreciative of the call. “It was a real blessing for us to have Union Mission deliver food to our residents. All of our residents are over 50 and some have health concerns or transportation issues that kept them from going to the store. Union Mission’s delivery of food saved them from having to pay for food deliveries or forcing them to venture out.”
Brooks Manor is one of four properties in the Kanawha Valley associated with National Church Residences. After the food distribution at Brooks Manor, Union Mission scheduled food delivery dates to the other three residential facilities: Oakwood, Agsten, and Rivermont.
“Union Mission really stepped up to help out our residents at four of these properties. We have additional properties throughout the state that we are discussing the possibility of scheduling food distributions there as well,” says Mr. Mallo. “We are seeing the need for quality, shelf stable food is still very great in the state even though the pandemic appears to be settling down. Seniors and the disabled in rural areas are where we are seeing additional need. As our donors keep providing funds for us to purchase food, we will continue to reach out beyond the Kanawha Valley to serve those people the best we can,” says Jason.
If you would like to help Union Mission reach out to these rural communities to provide food for the seniors and others in need, please consider donating to Union Mission. Your tax deductible contributions are the source of the food that is given away.